We're only on day 17 for the chicken eggs, but last night while candling we saw shadows poking through the inner membranes of the duck eggs. They're all together because I inherited the duck eggs about 2 weeks ago and had no idea when they were due to hatch. Amazingly, we had just finished constructing our homemade incubator and had it up and running with a few of our own chicken eggs when we got the new arrivals.
I've got the humidity at 70% and notice the temperature is creeping up, but I'm trying not to hover. There is one with the air cell on the side that I have some concerns about, but others have said they can hatch fine that way.. Please keep your fingers crossed and send a blessing our way!
I've got the humidity at 70% and notice the temperature is creeping up, but I'm trying not to hover. There is one with the air cell on the side that I have some concerns about, but others have said they can hatch fine that way.. Please keep your fingers crossed and send a blessing our way!