

5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
Lockdown starts tomorrow and I just did a candling…..looks like I may have 2 quitters. The question is….they dont smell, so should I keep them in there??? The one quitter I think I have looks to have 2 air cells…..one on each end! What is that all about???

On another note…. Yesterday was my birthday and I added 4 ducks to my flock!!! Im so happy!
I read on here that water candling can tell you if there is life in there?
BTW: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! Hope you get all the feathery presents you wanted!
I lied…. I had 3 marked as questionable quitters….. I did a float test on them and there was no movement for over 5 mins. Opened them up and one looked to have quit early on, the second and third ones looked to have just quit in the past week :(

Started with 24 and now down to 18, had 3 non fertile ones in the bunch……fingers crossed for the others! They have a long few days ahead of them!
Well…. I just put my 18 eggs on lockdown! Im a nervous wreck!!! My humidity has spiked up to about 78%, I was hoping for more like 70%. But I figured in the next day it will go back down….. It is going to be a long next few days!!!

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