Loft Help

The H

In the Brooder
Apr 19, 2017
Dear All,

I recently made a loft for all my birds, only kept two pairs out of the loft out of which one was sitting on egg and second was raising the new born squab.

Loft Size is 5 x 4 x 8
I made 8 boxes in which pairs can breed and sit on eggs.

I shifted 5 pairs and one 4 month old pigeon in the loft. Just after 3 days I saw one egg in the loft I kept it in nest bowl and saw a hen guarding it. saw another egg on second day a cock is guarding that but another pair. Saw third egg on day three and cock is guarding it from the first pair. So I put egg number one and three together. But noone is sitting on the egg.

I made the loft for the first time how to manage this things in the loft.

Please advise?



It all depends what you want to do... Do you want more pigeons??? Eventually those eggs will be incubated by your pigeon. Nothing bad is happening to them just laying there.
If you do not want any more pigeons at this time, replace those eggs with plastic decoy eggs. If you just remove the eggs, pigeon will work on laying more. This is hard on a pigeon, since they are not like chickens, intended to produce abundant eggs.
When do you intend to bring the left out pigeons into this loft?
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
I want them to sit on this eggs and have more pigeon, you can see there is enough space in the loft for more to come. Is it safe to have eggs and squabs in the same loft with other adult pigeon. I heard that some time adult pigeon attack squabs.
As soon as the squabs will start eating by their own I will let them join the loft.

One more problem the pair which is not there in the loft there one 4 month old pigeon is there in the loft. Every time they are around parent chase and try to harm there baby specially male pigeon, what may be the reason.

Also Is this setup good enough or do I need to make changes in this
Your setup is good. It is Ok to have pigeons at different stages together. As long as a family of pigeons is in its own cubicle enclosure, other pigeons will not enter to do harm. With your 4 month old pigeon being picked on. Well that is because the older male does not want competition from a younger male. That is how things work in the ANIMAL KINGDOM.
You may want to wait some time until things stabilize in your loft before you have too many new pigeons added. Your loft is limited in size. You may be close to capacity. Overcrowding is a problem maker.
You should install more individual perches on the wall side so each pigeon has its own spot.

There are many other design option if you search some.
This is what I entered.

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