lone button quail Update img


12 Years
Nov 1, 2010
Northern L.P. Michigan
It seems I don't have any incubation skills. I had 23 eggs and 2 have hatched and we are at day 17. The two hatched yesterday. However one didn't make it. My fault - It found a space that it could get caught in the corner and I didn't find it in time. So I have one baby. Will it survive? I know they are social birds and need to be paired up.
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While they do need companionship, they can survive. You can put a couple of small stuffed animals with the chick so it can snuggle up with someone, and of course if you give it a lot of attention the chick will bond with you. Good luck!

Also give the other eggs a couple extra days. You may be surprised if another pops out

Also to help you with incubation: tell us about your incubator and what you were doing
Well here he is. Through his glass tank so not as clear as I would like.

I know button quail are supposed to be afraid of people but this little guy prefers to eat his wet food off the tip of my finger. As soon as my hand goes into the tank he climbs up in my hand to be held. He also really likes to try and burrow up my sleeve. Very sweet guy. Now if any other survive I would be happier!

My incubator is a home made one from a cooler. I have one right now I am trying to help as it is dried into the shell. I'm not sure if it will make it. My temperatures have been pretty consistent I would say if anything a degree cool. My humidity doesn't seem to want to stay above 50 so that could be part of the problem with the current one hatching. How long should I let the eggs go? I usually open any unhatched eggs up carefully after I think they are past hatching to see what happened.
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Now THIS has got to be the most adorable baby quail ever!!

You can also put a feather duster in with him so he can hide inside the feathers.
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Awww.... It does look all snug with that puppy!

This little one looks like a Coturnix and acts like one too. Are you sure it's a button?

As far as how long to wait before helping is hard to say. I don't help unless the chicks are very tired or it's obvious they are drying out.
I hope the others make it O.K.

Most let the eggs go about 3 days past the due date. If your temps ran a little low, it may slow down hatch day by 1 or 2.
Well all done and only the one little guy. My son and I opened the rest of the eggs up carefully to see what had happened. There were three other chicks that had quit earlier. Most were just dried out but some were smelly clear liquid and a couple looked like they were full of blood. I didn't look all that close but my son thought it was interesting. If I was to guess what went wrong I would say humidity but I really don't know.

Is there anything else I can do for my little guy? He has a piece of felt folded in half he hides under and his dog who he really loves. He doesn't mind being held but tends to pace and peep or whistle whatever you call their noise.
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Wow, is he tiny! Sounds like you are doing all you can do. He will probably bond with you to the point that he thinks you are a quail or that he is a human!

I once had a clutch of Lovebird eggs that only one bird hatched. Lovebirds desperately need companionship and a mate, to the point of dying if their mate dies or they are without a mate all their lives. Hence the name Lovebirds. Well, this little lovebird did live. She became so attached to me that I became her mate. She did everything with me, hanging out on my shoulder ALL day long. She hated going into the cage at night or during the day if I needed to leave, and would throw fits of rage when I left her. But she lived a long life, well past her expectancy and had a wonderful life!

So I imagine that this little guy will make it if you give it enough attention. Good luck with the little guy!

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