Lone chick


Jun 14, 2022
While I was on vacation my house sitter allowed one of my broody hens to hatch an egg and didn’t realize it until she heard the chick peeping. I have two broody hens, both frizzles, so I’m not sure who hatched it or even whose egg is was as they like to steal and sit on all the eggs. What should I do with the lone chick? Leave it with the others and see if the mother comes forward? Raise it myself? I’m worried the bigger hens will trample it if I leave it with them, but worried it’ll be lonely sitting in a box alone in my bathroom. Suggestions?


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If you choose to raise it inside it is going to need some pretty regular attention. Lonely chicks are LOUD
If you choose to raise it inside it is going to need some pretty regular attention. Lonely chicks are LOUD
Yeah, she’s making quite the ruckus out in the yard, I can’t imagine having her in the house. I just finished raising 6 silkies, too, thought I was done for this year!

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