lone chicken living with a cat and a dog


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Citrus Heights, CA
I have a pullet (maybe full grown, but small) that came to my back yard from nowhere and will not leave. My cat and dog are ok with her being there; but she will often run up to them to see if they will move or not. I know that chickens are social animals; do you think she is trying to play with them, or is this a territory issue? She comes up to our patio window and waits for us to come outside or let the other animals out, and will occasionally follow my boyfriend around the yard - she truly seems to like being here and is trying to play... we're just not sure. Want to make sure she's happy. Thanks for any thoughts or advice!
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I think she is happy with you all, but you need to build her a small coop and get her few chicken friends
and then you will love her when you get eggs.
please post her picture for us.

If she's so friendly, my guess is she had a home where she had lots of human attention and is either lost or abandon. She probably wants attention from anything she can get it from, including the cat, dog, and humans.

They are flock animals, so I say join the rest of us, build a coop and get more chickens!!!
Be careful what you wish for. I'm going to hatch some more chicks and you don't live that far away.

ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! hey no problem here, i'd just free range em. =O) thatd be awesome

p.s. what kind of chicks should i be expecting?! haha
Welcome Numble,

That's interesting although Citrus Heights is right next to Fair Oaks where there are a lot of
free ranging chickens. I'm in Auburn, CA.. not to far and grew up in Fair Oaks.

I say get a couple more chickens , they are fun and it sounds like your other pets won't bother them and you'll get some fresh eggs!

Thanks for the responses, guys! You make a new egg feel welcome! I have been resisting getting more because I cannot find the regulations on chickens in my city. I'm renting, and tend to play it safe. Anyone know here I could find a comprehensive list of every national city's chicken regulations?
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Call your local animal control. They should have a copy of everything you need. I wouldn't mention Lone Ranger, though.

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