Lone male ring-neck pheasant seen trying to join me and my neighbor’s chicken flocks!

Jul 17, 2019
Holland, MI
So, both me and my neighbor across the road both have flocks of chickens; only chickens. I have 10 hens and 1 rooster, and my neighbor has 20-30 chickens with 1 rooster as well. A couple of days ago, a very colorful, obviously male, ring-neck pheasant showed up around the edge of the road. All by himself. He was edging towards my little flock, but my rooster, Wings, was staring him down. When I came out of the barn and noticed him, and I was in shock! I didn’t know these guys even lived around where I am! When he saw me, he ran. He then went across the road, and then attempted to join the other group of chickens. The hens that were out ignored him, and left him alone. Poor thing... I’m now kinda wondering the reason he’s alone...

I feel bad about his loneliness, but what’s up with that behavior? Me and my neighbor have protective roos! (Mine more than theirs, but...)
I honestly might get the guy some friends if he starts showing up again...

Last thing, I named him Radish! It made sense to me because he was hanging out in a radish field after he was rejected...
he could have escaped or been released from captivity and found you! some are very smart and will seek the easy food and water where they find other birds. Most states require gamebird permits for ringneck pheasants so you may “look around” to see if anyone close to you raises them.
So, both me and my neighbor across the road both have flocks of chickens; only chickens. I have 10 hens and 1 rooster, and my neighbor has 20-30 chickens with 1 rooster as well. A couple of days ago, a very colorful, obviously male, ring-neck pheasant showed up around the edge of the road. All by himself. He was edging towards my little flock, but my rooster, Wings, was staring him down. When I came out of the barn and noticed him, and I was in shock! I didn’t know these guys even lived around where I am! When he saw me, he ran. He then went across the road, and then attempted to join the other group of chickens. The hens that were out ignored him, and left him alone. Poor thing... I’m now kinda wondering the reason he’s alone...

I feel bad about his loneliness, but what’s up with that behavior? Me and my neighbor have protective roos! (Mine more than theirs, but...)
I honestly might get the guy some friends if he starts showing up again...

Last thing, I named him Radish! It made sense to me because he was hanging out in a radish field after he was rejected...
He probably escaped someones pen. We lost both a female and male. Others escaped and then came back.

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