Lonely duck

Make sure it is NON-MEDICATED starter feed. Also, if you are able send image where ducks are enclosed. They may be exposed to air toxins or something. For example, I knew someone that had her enclosure inside garage next to a propane heater. The propane fumes killed them slowly. The avian system cannot handle what humans can. Is there pesticides being sprayed or is there burning?
JUST FYI before I knew better I fed mine corn and it did not kill anyone. Mazuri and all feed number 1 ingredient is CORN. In a natural environment, a duck eats insects, grass, and a LITTLE maize (corn, wheat, millet etc . . ,) but they would not destroy a corn field but eat the bugs on the corn. I no longer give mine whole or cracked corn due to the amount they receive in their feed.

I am so sorry for your loss. It shows you are a great person to get on here to try and help your lone duck. I kept a duck alone for several months, due to illness, before getting him step-brothers and sisters. I was in the same situation and did not want to pass on his illness. This illness was never resolved but he needed company.
In the future, keep in mind you can send the body for a necropsy to the State and it will cost very little and provide a wealth of information. State of Florida is only 50 dollars for a complete necropsy which also checks for many different common diseases.

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