Lonely Quail


Mar 12, 2018
Hello there! I had 10 quail eggs and out of all of them only one hatched. What should I do? They are bobwhite quails and I really don't want her to be lonely. Is there a maximum I should hold her? Please respond.
Thanks, Jennifer
If there is any way you could buy a few same age friends for it, that would be the best solution. Coturnix are probably easier to get, if you can't find any bobwhites, but as bobwhites tend to be aggressive you might not be able to keep them together for very long. I'd go for cots that are slightly bigger than the bobwhite at least.
If you absolutely can't get friends for it, some people have success with mirrors in the brooder so the chick doesn't feel so alone, and a feather duster so it thinks it's burrying into mum. If it still cryes, holding it is probably the only way to make it stop. If you handle it a lot, you might end up having a completely tame house pet.
If there is any way you could buy a few same age friends for it, that would be the best solution. Coturnix are probably easier to get, if you can't find any bobwhites, but as bobwhites tend to be aggressive you might not be able to keep them together for very long. I'd go for cots that are slightly bigger than the bobwhite at least.
If you absolutely can't get friends for it, some people have success with mirrors in the brooder so the chick doesn't feel so alone, and a feather duster so it thinks it's burrying into mum. If it still cryes, holding it is probably the only way to make it top. If you handle it a lot, you might end up having a completely tame house pet.

Yeah I can't find any chicks the age. If anyone has bobwhite chicks that would help alot. Thanks again.

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