Loner Girl

Hello Everyone. I would like to update everyone that responded to this thread on my loner girl (Jasmine). This morning, she came out of the coop immediately and was playing. She’s slower than the other three but still markedly better from the last two days. She is breathing well and eating well and another chicken thread here suggested it might be heat exhaustion w the weather we live in. Hoping it was that, I kept the water w electrolytes near her and also put ice cubes in the other waterers on the property, making sure to keep one right next to her. I also did as directed with the fan and increased shade. perhaps it was heat exhaustion? She’s still walking slow, but walking and digging holes and straggling behind the other three. I’m very relieved. Will keep you posted on her progress. Hoping her energy levels and activity continues to improve.

thank you all for your insight!
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You might continue to give electrolytes, start small amounts & put in all of the waterers so she gets used to the taste. That won't hurt for the others to get them too. Make it a regular routine
Funny to be talking about heat stroke now with our 20 degree weather!! But you might continue with electrolytes in all of the waterers so she gets used to it. Won't hurt the others and will make it easier to get them into her when temps. go up.
Here in So Cal we get 100+, so I used frozen 2 liter bottles. Mixed electrolytes in or vinegar then put in upside down so it adds to the water as it melts. Easy to switch out & refreeze.

thanks for suggesting that. I wasn’t sure if I should continue the electrolytes now that she’s better. Probably should though, as the heat isn’t going anywhere! We hit 100 yesterday, too.

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