Loner Hen


Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
This is Honey. She’s a 15 week old RIR BO cross. I think anyway. Lately she has been deciding to eat away from the flock when I let them free range. I always baby sit them when they’re out of the run and have noticed she decided to sit by herself or eat by herself. The rest of the flock will move across the yard and she just goes in the opposite direction. I do have a roo that likes to chase her around to try and mate. Or he just chases her. When I see him doing it I break it up. Besides the being alone she’s acting normal. No puffing of the feathers, still eating and drinking and running around. Is it normal to have a loner hen?
Loners are normal in many flocks. I have a loner, a petite Welsummer hen, and she's on the timid side. She is always by herself. Lest I should get the wrong idea that she keeps to herself because she can't defend herself, occasionally she'll let rip her inner hell-hen and thrash an insolent challenger.

As long as you don't see any evidence that this hen is being a loner because the others are pushing her out, that it's her choice, leave her to her peace and quiet.
Ok. That makes me feel better. She can be a hellion when the other girls get too pushy. So it’s definitely her choice. I just wanted to be sure it was normal. I’m new to chickens and I’m asking myself if everything is normal.

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