Long Islanders.... I know you are out there

Hi Mahlzeit. I got about 60 x 150 of backyard that I can fully dedicate to a small backyard homestead. It's amazing what can be done with some planning and sustainability. I'd like to end up with somewhere around 7-10 hens, 3-5 ducks and 1 maybe 2 dairy goats. Plus around another 60x50 for a greenhouse and some square foot beds, etc. This is the first winter with chickens so that's my main concern now. I lost one of my first two rocks to sepsis. By time I realized there was a problem she was already pretty sick. It was a tough lesson but I learned a lot about my chickens as a result and also found a bird vet that knows poultry not far in Northport. I also had 1 of the 3 buff orpington chicks I got in July turn out to be a rooster. So far I still got him in with the other 3 all along now since I have not been eating the other layers eggs now anyway because she developed a dirty bottom so I decided to worm them all. Next week the other 2 buffs hit 24 weeks so it's going to be an interesting winter. I've been considering getting an incubator and trying to hatch their eggs in Jan/Feb. If not I'll have to find somewhere else for him.
It's great to see so many other posts. So do you have any chickens now?
Hi Mahlzeit. I got about 60 x 150 of backyard that I can fully dedicate to a small backyard homestead. It's amazing what can be done with some planning and sustainability. I'd like to end up with somewhere around 7-10 hens, 3-5 ducks and 1 maybe 2 dairy goats. Plus around another 60x50 for a greenhouse and some square foot beds, etc. This is the first winter with chickens so that's my main concern now. I lost one of my first two rocks to sepsis. By time I realized there was a problem she was already pretty sick. It was a tough lesson but I learned a lot about my chickens as a result and also found a bird vet that knows poultry not far in Northport. I also had 1 of the 3 buff orpington chicks I got in July turn out to be a rooster. So far I still got him in with the other 3 all along now since I have not been eating the other layers eggs now anyway because she developed a dirty bottom so I decided to worm them all. Next week the other 2 buffs hit 24 weeks so it's going to be an interesting winter. I've been considering getting an incubator and trying to hatch their eggs in Jan/Feb. If not I'll have to find somewhere else for him.
It's great to see so many other posts. So do you have any chickens now?

That's a good amount of space you can use for this project. I hope to have about the same amount soon. I'm in the process of buying a house on an acre here in Medford. I do know that if you want to get goats you need at least 2. They do not do well without a friend. On the weekends I do pony/petting zoo parties for kids birthdays so I hang around goats and sheep lots. Just this past summer I made my first garden and had a blast doing so. Next year it will be planned out a little better. I am planning on setting my chicken coop in the middle of 2 runs and alternating each year which run if for the chickens and which I use for the chickens. I do have chickens now but they are currently out east at my folks house until we close on this house. I have about 30 hoping to make that 50 at the new house. I do sell the eggs and also do eat them.
By the good grace of all your neighbors. he has been gone since january now. I finally found a place to send him other than the crock pot. I lucked out in that respect with the bad winter which kept him closed up in the mornings untill most people were already up and about. I would not do that again if I ever ended up with another.
I have one that I just found out was a Rooster. I dont want to send him to a dinner plate. Do you have any suggestions on a place that might take him so he can live happy?

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