Long-term outlook for chick with RSS?


In the Brooder
May 3, 2017
I have a chick I believe is afflicted with runting stunting syndrome? She is 4 weeks now and I had to separate her from the other three due to the sheer size difference. Yesterday we bought a one week old pullet to keep her company. I also took her to a vet a week ago, but they were relatively clueless as to what might be wrong. I started moistening her medicated crumbles with water mixed with vitamins and electrolytes. She's finally gaining weight (2.1 oz at the vet a week ago - 3.3 oz today) but I'm wondering what the long-term outlook will be? Am I prolonging the inevitable? Her wings are tiny and she has no other feathers yet. She's a black Australorp as is the friend we got for her today. Anyone have long-term success with a chick like this? Picture is with the chicks of same age.
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Photos of the new friend too - photos of them both together would be great so we can see a comparison:)

I hate to say this, but only time will tell how well she will fare. There's no way to know what the outcome will be. Do the best you can to provide quality chick starter, offer fresh clean water daily and add some poultry vitamins a couple of times a week.

Look for to seeing your photos!

I'm posting pics! Very hard to get good photos of black chicks, but I think they're good enough to see the differences. Both are black Austrolorps, but the new friend is only 2 weeks and already has tail feathers coming in. "Baby Girl" (as I now call my runt), is 5 weeks with short wings and no additional feathers. I'm not optimistic about the outcome at this point. Just hoping she's not suffering.


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They both are adorable. I have 2 Australorps that are almost 2months - very sweet.

Since she is 5wks and has not grown, I would tend to agree that the outcome does not look good:hugs. I would think you could tell if she is suffering - she would be lethargic or distress peeping, not eating, etc.

Thank you for posting the photos for comparison.
Thanks for the reply. None of those symptoms yet so I think we'll just stay the course for now!
Just a quick update. Although the other Australorp continues to outgrow Baby Girl, she is showing mother hen behavior versus anything aggressive. We are making a small run to keep them separate from the flock. No sign of pain or distress, and she continues to grow even if it is at a snails pace.
Thanks for the update:)

I'm glad to hear she is still with you and seems to be growing slightly.
It sounds like they will be buddies, so having them housed together is a good idea. I hope all goes well.
Thank you! It's almost as if she's beginning to thrive a bit. 5 oz as of today, and when I pick her up there's finally a bit of "plumpness!"

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