Longest t for hatching shipped eggs


11 Years
Jul 18, 2013
For those of you who have hatched shipped eggs, what is the longest time you have ever had an egg hatch?
I set 18 eggs. One hatched on day 21 and one on day 22. Today is day 25 (This evening will be), but three look like there might still be a possibility so I left them in the incubator. How long before I give up?
I haven't hatched shipped eggs, yet, but I've had chicks hatch from fresh eggs, under broody hens, on day 25.
I set them on the same day (under broody hen) and they started hatching on day 22 and continued into day 23 when all but one eggs hatched. The last egg hatched on day 25.
Never! All my eggs hatch within a day of day 21, if they didn't hatch I broke then open and always found a dead chick inside.
   For those of you who have hatched shipped eggs, what is the longest time you have ever had an egg hatch?
    I set 18 eggs.  One hatched on day 21 and one on day 22.  Today is day 25 (This evening will be), but three look like there might still be a possibility so I left them in the incubator.  How long before I give up?

Did you end up with any more hatching?

I'm on day 22 and still waiting on shipped eggs that I saw move a couple days ago. Just wondering if yours ended up hatching late.
Unfortunately only the two hatched, Four had developed. One had pipped but the shell of one of the hatched eggs flipped over the pip and I didn't notice it until too late. The fourth had a large thin air cell and never came close to hatching.
I've never gotten a live chick past day 22 although others have. My own eggs I could almost set a timer to. They seem to hatch right at day 21 to the hour.
Not sure I will be hatching shipped eggs any more. The results have been a big disappointment.
If you do your part and your brood stock is healthy and vigorous you can almost set a calendar by counting 21 days from setting to hatching. Chicks that you have to coax or pry out of the shell are IMHO a waste of time, money, and good chicken feed. Sorry if this offends some of you but it is based on my experience.
I was talking about shipped eggs being problem hatchers, not my own or local. My opinion is that you can have the best eggs, ship them carefully and often (not always) there can be a low hatch rate. Whether it is mishandling, getting lost, x-rays, I'm not sure and also not sure what I could do to improve rate.
One of the shipments was put on the delivery truck and carted all over the back roads for a day instead of phoning so I could pick up at the post office, as instructed.
Another, the temperature unseasonably plummeted.
If you manage to catch everything right, temperature, careful handling, no misplaced packages, it might be worth it, but unfortunately these things cannot be guaranteed.
Interestingly I've ordered many things in the evening online and they arrive the following morning, usually within 12-14 hours. Why can't the post office be as efficient?
Tell me about it, I've had Xmas presents from family arrive overnight from the same city that these eggs took four days to get here from. I believe they call it Murphy's law :)

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