Longtime lurker...finally registered, age and gender question

I should mention that they were fluffed up and looked larger because I put them in their little run to get some good pictures in the sunlight. It was pretty breezy and chilly today. I left them out for a few minutes, but they didn't seem happy so I put them back in the coop.

What are Cuckoos?
Cuckoo is a color pattern. It might of been them being puffed up of wind. But are a few breeds that a Cuckoo, they look a lot like Barred but it is kinda all over instead of lined (uniformed).
I would say pullets unless they are from the same parents, then I would think you have a male and female BSL. The barred one does have that don't mess with me look that young roos have.
The parents for both were on site (and kept in seperate pens) and they were definitely not the same. He just had the chicks in a pen together. It's funny you mention the stink eye that the barred chick seems to have. It does seem kind of roostery...Drats! Now I am wondering about the gender again...
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I believe your seller was correct all the way around . Unless they are from a show breeder , cuckooed and barred birds often blur untill its a coin flip to name the pattern . Nice pullets , and the barred rock might make an interesting cross on that Buff Orp . By the way , its Australorpe and basicly that was an Australian laying improvement off the Orpington .
I really wanted to get some expert opinions on this seller because I would like to buy from him again. He had some very beautiful breeds there. His set up was very nice and well organized and the pens were clean. The birds were all good looking, bright eyed and looked healthy and the chicks I brought home have no mites or lice that I could find. I have heard of breeders selling birds they know to be roos to unsuspecting newbies and I also wanted to double check the age.

It's nice to know that he seems to be on the up-and-up and I will most definitely be checking with him again when the chick urge strikes again...probably next week or so! LOL! Now...how to break the news to my husband that we will need ANOTHER quarantine coop...

The Australorpe info is great too. I thought the adults kind of looked like my BOs and I really like the temperament of them.
I think you have an honest breeder and he is good at sexing his chickens. Congratulations and .....
The 14-step program is forthcoming. You will need it.

BTW you were correct in your first post "Australorp" is the correct spelling as per McMurray Hatcher, Wikipedia and just about everyone else in this site. They are a beautiful breed and very good temperament. There is a stickie above under breeds for a lot of the breeds you will see and hear about on this site. Here is a fun thread too that may tickle your funny bone.....
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