Look at my ducks. What are they?


9 Years
Mar 7, 2010
Riverside, CA
I got these ducks at TSC chick days and the employees could only tell me that they were "assorted." Obviously the big white one is a Pekin, but I don't know about the others. Can you help me duck people?

Here they are as ducklings:

And here they are now:

I know the picture isn't great. It was evening when I took it. It is raining today, so I can't get a better one!
the second pic looks like a black runner, a welsh harlequin and a golden 300 hybrid, I could be wrong though, thats just what they look like to me. Probably because I have those in my flock and they look very similiar.
Hmm...well in my non-expert opinion I would say, from left to right in the adult picture, Pekin, Rouen, Welsh Harlequin and Black Runner?

I 2nd this non-expert opinion with my own non-expert opinion.
Yep black runner, welsh, and pekin, but the other one looks rouen however its eye stripe isnt complete. Also, there are no babies that look like a rouen, so I'm saying a mixed breed on that one.
Thanks so much! The one's you guys are suspecting as being rouen and welsh looked exactly the same as babies, except that when they got wet one looked darker than the other. Is is too early to tell gender? None of them have the curly tail feather yet.
I got them around Easter, so I guess they are about 8 weeks old. The welsh also had a dark beak as a duckling. I heard that was a way to tell gender, too. When does the tail curl develop? Does it do this in all breeds?

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