Look at my pretty White Holland Turkeys!


11 Years
12 Years
Jan 25, 2008
Just thought I'd share. I snapped a few pictures of them today!

This one was trying to blend in with the chickens..

"I'm a laying hen.. really!"

The Tom

All three


They are about 3 months old. Aren't they pretty?

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I was hoping for two toms and a hen, so we could eat the extra tom. They are suppose to be Christmas turkeys, but we'll see how it goes..

Anyone know when heritage turkeys start to lay?

I'd love to get some eggs before they meet their purpose..

My Mottled Java roo usually looks better than that. I let everyone out to free-range today and he had it out with the free-ranging roo. Bloodied his comb and wattle a bit..

Only one of the hens, will come over and watch me really close.. The other two are a little more standoffish, not scared but don't like me reaching out to pet them. It's probably better that way, I'd hate to get too attached to them. Adam's pretty steadfast in their fate..

Mine will follow us around the yard, but stay out of grabbing distance. With the exception of the one hen, which I think was our first poult..
Her name is Fry..
Very nice looking turkeys Kim if I do say so myself, kind of look like ours. lol If you want to breed them and want another tom for eating we have some about that age.

They're gorgeous Kim

We had turkey's when I was a kid, so it's been awhile. We had Bronze. 3 toms, 7 hens. The hens were (guesstimating here) probably 9-12 months old when they were laying eggs. I don't remember how frequently it was, but they sure were vicious when we had to collect them!
I'm hoping to get a few next year to raise for the holidays, along with some ducks and pheasants. Yummy

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