Look at what DH brought home from work.. **PICS**


11 Years
Jul 31, 2008
We have named her Noel, well I think you can guess why.

DH was at work on Friday when his supervisor came running to him.... "Mike Mike Mike ..come now!!!" So DH went running thinking there was something wrong. Under a HUGE evergreen tree, the branches of this tree touch the ground, well under the tree there was this little kitten. So they managed to catch her, at first they thought she was a ferrel cat because of how she tried to avoid people, hissing, scratching... They managed to get her and put her in a lunch room until they could call the SPCA on Saturday morning. DH was looking her over and noticed her paws are still pink, she is not matted and knows about a litter box. So we think someone dumped her


This one here, I was talking to her while she was in the carrier and she was talking back and i caught her in mid meow...lol

Right now she is quarantined in my brooder in the basement (I have a large brooder, its bigger then the cage she would have been stuck in at the OSPCA).
I have started giving her a natural worm medication. I dont want to risk getting my other cats sick if she has anything. My DD has been down there for hours playing with her so she is far from lonely down there..lol

We will be taking her to the vet on Monday morning

ETA: pic of brooder
it measures about 3'wide X 4'Long X 3'Tall (aprox measurements) this was when i had chickens in it...lol
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I have called the OSPCA no one has reported her missing

I have posted messages on Freecycle and on Craigslist, but I honestly think she was dumped

She is very people friendly now, litter trained, purrrrrss a storm when she see people, and she was found outside a factory under a tree... no residential area for quite a ways away and this would mean she would have to cross a very busy street and dodge machinery of a few factories, tow motors and transport trucks to get to where she was found
So sad that somebody decided to throw her away like trash, it does sound like she must have been dumped. But at least she was found by people who cared enough not to just walk on by and yet another somebody who is now giving her a home! Lucky kitty! Good for you, she's so adorable!
she has been chillin with DD all day she will leave her lap and go to the box, get something to eat and curl up with DD again.

DD has brought her portable DVD player to the basement and has been playing with her down there for the safety of the other animals. I have a funny feeling DD will ask to sleep down there tonight

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