Look What I Found!!!


10 Years
Aug 14, 2009
Texas - Best Place on Earth
So on my way to work this morning... I noticed my female burbon red by herself on the side of the barn... and I thought, how strange, she is always with the Wild turkeys... ALWAYS, so i decided to play Privet Investigator, and what do I find... Her nest.. or so I think... She was not sitting, but she ws about 2 feet from the nest So I assumed it's hers cause her eggs are white with red speckles. I took her eggs and prepared them for the incubator. I left her with 2 fake eggs so she can continue to lay..

Sorry I did not get a picture of the eggs in the nest, but its been about 45 to 65 degrees here and I did not want the eggs to go bad if they havent already.

here are the eggs.


Here is a picture of the largest egg

Here is a pic of a chicken egg for comparison


Here are two turkey eggs and both are different sizes


Remember... at 1st I thought it was all my burbon red turkey's eggs... but then I got home from work... and my white female turkey was sitting in the nest with the 2 fake eggs and 3 new turkey eggs... so now I dont know who's eggs Ive got. It has to be 3 females laying eggs... I know one is the white turkey, one should be the burbon red turkey, and the other egg could be a wild egg or the other white turkey...

Who knows. Wanted to share
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