Look what I got in the mail!!!


11 Years
Sep 10, 2008
Lakeland, FL
Ok, so I'm still finishing one hatch and my next set of eggs are already arriving! Because of course I'm addicted! In this batch I will have EE, BR, RIR, a few mutts, Coturnix and Button quail, and...

Black Copper Marans!!!! They better hatch after what I paid for them...LOL!

Did you buy those off e-bay? My goodness...the price for those on E-bay went through the roof!!! :eek: Hope you have a wonderful hatch!!
I did not get them off eBay. If I was going to pay that much for them I wanted to get them from a reputable source with good (Jeane Wade) lines. I actually ended up paying less than what they go for on eBay.
OMG, I want some of those! I watched the ebay listing last night....hoping they might list more. Good luck, keep us posted, those are beautiful eggs!

I have silkies coming fri/sat from CA & I am in MI Yikes! Yeah, those PO workers had better be careful! I don't know what possessed me!

I hope you get a 100% hatch.

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