look what now comes in bagsof peat moss!!!!

Gorgeous! Love 'Bird strutting his stuff! Your peat moss hen is a character
These pictures are priceless....

Mine actually know the peat moss bags and come running like treat time when the see it!!! Man, are they disappointed on coop cleaning days when they find out the bags only have pine shavings in them!
I saw this thread yesterday and on my way to work this morning stopped at Home Depot for sand and peat moss. Its in the car now and my peeps will have to wait until tomorrow to try it out.

I never knew you could use peat moss so thanks for posting.

Wonderful pictures especially the white chicken with its eyes closed in ectasy
Very nice!
My girls like "Dixie Mix", its basicly mushroom compost and sand mixed in it. Although orginally from NE Ohio, the South carolina weather makes it easyer to raise the girls. Your pictures did give me a few ideals...

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