look what now comes in bagsof peat moss!!!!

That is sooooo cutte!!
This one cracks me up.

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"you do NOT see me in here, you DO NOT! I am invisible, I am hiding in this warm fluffy bad of dust goodies!"

thinks to herself.... hmmm if i just could get another two inches down she wouldnt even know I am here... MUST...... DIG..... DEEPER!!!! or get my feathers a deeper shade of yeuch.
Euphoria; Medically recognized as a mental and emotional condition in which a person (oops, chicken) experiences intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness, ecstasy, excitement, and joy.
i love the turtle sand box. It came with a lid. It snowed bad last night and i just went out and put the cover on it. that way when the sun comes out tomorrow and it melts all i have to do is take off the cover and its still dry and fun!

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