Look What Was In Our Yard!


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
Washington State

We call this doe Big Bertha. She had twins this year which we call Thing One and Thing Two.


Stayin' awhile. They sat for over an hour until my son had to go out and change the chicken water. Then they ambled off to the shade across the yard.


I was messing around with i-Photo on this one.


What are those things over there clucking and making a fuss by the fence?!?!


This is another doe's fawn. The doe we call Betty and her baby this year we call Bambi. This baby is VERY hyper and when he/she visits it is all running and bouncing around.


P.S. I found out my son was taking some of the pictures with the camera's night setting, so that is why they aren't the best.
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Very cool.....we have a similar situation. Have a doe and 2 fawns in our yard or food plot every day. Saw a buck with them this morning.....I'm guessing it was her fawn from last year, just all grown up.

Her "doe" fawn from last yr is hanging out with them now too. My oldest son and I were able to get within about 20 feet of the 2 fawns the other evening. They are sooooo cute.

We are BIG deer hunters in this family, BUT, nothing gets shot or shot at here at the house. We love just having them around all yr to watch

So far this year (other than the roses) they have stayed out of my flowerbeds!!
Raising goats has definitely given me a new respect for whitetail deer and what mother nature can do if you just leave her to it.. A whitetail's topline is almost always incredibly flat, with very little slope past the hip bones...that aids in 'kidding' (or fawning, I guess?
) Look at their rear cannon bones, too...arrow straight. Rear leg angles are impeccable -- not camped under or camped out, nor are they posty-legged at all.. They're way up on their pasterns, too, with the toe of their hooves being almost directly underneath the leg instead of being all coon-footed..

Seriously, if you had a goat with similar conformation to a whitetail...show winner, hands down, everytime.

Good job, nature!

Really neat pics.
Yard full o' rocks :

Very cool.....we have a similar situation. Have a doe and 2 fawns in our yard or food plot every day. Saw a buck with them this morning.....I'm guessing it was her fawn from last year, just all grown up.

Her "doe" fawn from last yr is hanging out with them now too. My oldest son and I were able to get within about 20 feet of the 2 fawns the other evening. They are sooooo cute.

We are BIG deer hunters in this family, BUT, nothing gets shot or shot at here at the house. We love just having them around all yr to watch

So far this year (other than the roses) they have stayed out of my flowerbeds!!

When I was a kid Mom would not let us shoot deer in the yard; "you have all those woods you don't need to be bothering them in the back yard." Now with them in my own back yard I still don't shoot them. They add a little something. Now I throw feed out for them and you see them grow. Some return the following year. Not so much the Bucks........Hmmmm. I dunno

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