Looking back years later it CAN be funny.... or maybe not. pg 7 <sigh>

Feel free to share!

I will then. Not long ago, at work, we were having a bbq'd rib contest and they had everything set up on the sidewalk right next to the parking lot. I parked in my normal spot, went about my day, turned in my vote, etc. I went to go to my mom's for lunch, with my radio in the car turned up WAY loud for a great song, and proceeded to take a folding chair with the radio on it with me, with no knowledge I did it. All these people came running at me as I am waving at them with an innocent smile. They both survived and this Sunday I am getting a "safety" award for my efforts.

LOL Sounds like somethin my Ma'd do!
My cat insist on drinking out of the toliet that is why I clean my toliets on a very reg. basis. I broke toes when I was preggo getting water in the middle of the night finding my way around without waking the family. Nothing like 7 mo. preggo and limping on crutches.
Thanks for sharing! I was laughing so hard that people in my office came to find out what was going on! I am glad to know that embarrassing things happen to others instead of just me!
Writer, my eyes are watering now. I can't see. I thought that was going to be a story about falling in the can, something most people have probably done, but the addition of the cat clawing your behind, ending up with a broken tail; your husband breaking his toe and the doctor questioning claw marks on your butt was too much. I need a kleenex. Thanks for the belly laughs.
Lol.... you have a wonderful gift with words.

I laughed so much I have been crying.

Lol... it is so good to look back at the daft things that have happened in the past.

Thank you, you made a dark day bright.

WoW, you should get the current issue of Reader's Digest (Jan. '09) and read the story that starts on p. 142 entitled, "The Story of Your Life" -- here is a short quote that describes the article:

Thinking about your legacy? Wondering how to achieve a small measure of immortality? Write a memoir.

It goes on to say that everyone should write a memoir, that it doesn't have to be published to be meaningful, and that it's a way to reflect on parts of our lives and to share memories with our kids, etc.

As soon as I started reading it, I thought of you.
That was too funny!!!

I'll have to share it with DH. He's mad because I've been sharing the story of making jelly (and his 'help') with friends & family members.
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