Looking before I leap

welcome! I wish you well with your planning, and hope your town embraces with gusto the keeping of chickens! Much success to you, and it's so very nice to meet you! Hope to see you around...
from the UK. I would avoid ducks in your setting - they are very messy and not kind to the garden. Chickens will also soon get rid of a small area of grass I'm afraid but that should not stop you keeping a couple. they are a delight to have. I think the noise part depends on your neighbours - generally chickens are fairly quiet but they do announce that they have laid an egg and that is quite loud calling - have you got friends with chickens - you could go and listen. It would be a shame to get reported and have to get rid of them!
Oooh, is it kosher to start conversing about stuff on this intro thread? I thought ducks were gentler (according to Elliot Coleman and others) but everyone says something different. Thought chickens were more likely to eat young veggie plants, and scratch up stuff (though in a well placed chicken tractor, great idea). As far as chickies destroying my grass, they'll have to try pretty hard, since I already did! (Except where the darn city made me keep it, between the sidewalk and street, except where I'm ignoring them anyway [evil grin]). Establishing a back yard full of self seeding edibles we can all share. Haven't navigated this forum site yet (still ordering my spring seeds/plants), but I'll plumb its depths. Thanks for the input into my chicken-duck debate!

PS my only next door neighbor (I'm on a corner and an alley) has already offered his approval (and a number of bottles of homeade wine --guess whose gettin' fresh eggs next year

Aloha Birdsofparadise! Big fan of Mother Earth, I read that and Backyard Poultry front to back. (A lot of stuff falls out of the holes in my head tho
Hi! We have a half acre and have a garden that makes money and feeds a family of 4 all year, plus chickens and hopefully goats. You can do real well on a small plot. We have been doing it for the last 5 years and keep adding as we have the money. If you want any ideas or pictures, email me and I'll send ya some! Good luck!


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