Looking for a breed of rooster that will be gentle with the hens


6 Years
Mar 12, 2018
I'm moving to a new house in a few months and I'm thinking of adding a rooster to keep the girls safe until I can get a covered run set up. But I have quite a few very nice, show quality hens and would prefer if the rooster didn't claw out all of their feathers from their backs. Apart from keeping his spurs managed and buying hen aprons, what breed of rooster is a real gentleman with the ladies? I need a real sweet fellow that still protects the flock from predators. Looks don't matter, I always shoo my broody girls off the nest and I don't want any chicks. I also don't care if the rooster hates people.
If your worried about predators you just need to get a very secure top on the run. Even the best rooster is no match for a determined predator. Even a raccoon or owl can easily take down a rooster to say nothing about a larger predator.
Did you read my whole post? I haven't even moved in yet... I'm not even decided yet on who will build the coop in the first place.

If your worried about predators you just need to get a very secure top on the run. Even the best rooster is no match for a determined predator. Even a raccoon or owl can easily take down a rooster to say nothing about a larger predator.
I did. And it sounds like you need to cover the run before you move your hens into it. It sounds like you are anticipating predator problems. Which is good, some people think about predators after the attack. I also got the impression that you don't need a rooster for breeding. And a rooster is more of an alarm rather than a predator deterrent. So there for in my opinion "just my opinion mind you" your situation calls for a totally secure pen rather than a rooster. And fingers crossed he defends/gives his life to protect his girls.
Well, I am not actually anticipating a big predator problem. Most people around here free range chickens with little issues, often without fencing. I think it helps that we are on the outskirts of a huge city so there aren't lot of natural predators around. I'd just feel safer if there was a rooster keeping an eye on them even with a run. Especially at night!

I did. And it sounds like you need to cover the run before you move your hens into it. It sounds like you are anticipating predator problems. Which is good, some people think about predators after the attack. I also got the impression that you don't need a rooster for breeding. And a rooster is more of an alarm rather than a predator deterrent. So there for in my opinion "just my opinion mind you" your situation calls for a totally secure pen rather than a rooster. And fingers crossed he defends/gives his life to protect his girls.
I personally would invest in a full grown Brahma Roo, or a turkey Tom (if you’re looking for thanksgiving dinner, and a defender first that is) the Brahma would be more of an “oh crap let’s not attack them” thing, but a turkey would fight a pedator if it felt it’s life was in danger. Jersey giants would be good too, but both Brahmas and Giants take forever (literal years) to reach full size
I personally would invest in a full grown Brahma Roo, or a turkey Tom (if you’re looking for thanksgiving dinner, and a defender first that is) the Brahma would be more of an “oh crap let’s not attack them” thing, but a turkey would fight a pedator if it felt it’s life was in danger. Jersey giants would be good too, but both Brahmas and Giants take forever (literal years) to reach full size

Oh man I would actually LOVE to have a turkey, I've never had one before. Would I need to get a couple female turkeys to keep him company or would he be okay just with the hens? Also do they bond with the chickens and see them as their own flock? I've always wondered.
If you get it as a poult I think it would be fine with chickens (hell, let a broody raise it!) but if not I wouldn’t keep a Tom and my hens together so I’d but about 4 straight run and pray for some hens as well
Well, I am not actually anticipating a big predator problem. Most people around here free range chickens with little issues, often without fencing. I think it helps that we are on the outskirts of a huge city so there aren't lot of natural predators around. I'd just feel safer if there was a rooster keeping an eye on them even with a run. Especially at night!
A rooster isn't going to be able to do anything at night. Chickens are helpless in the dark.

You can try a large breed rooster, but from my experience they are a speed bump at best. Of course it depends on what predators you have.
a rooster is more of an alarm rather than a predator deterrent.
I couldn't have said it better. Cockerels only alert, not deter.
The predators around here go after the roos first from the "pick me first" noise they make. We lost plenty of cockerels vs hen ratio. In my opinion the alarm sounding male poultry attracts the hunter that only smells the chickens, then the alarm pin points the location of the roost.
Oh man I would actually LOVE to have a turkey, I've never had one before. Would I need to get a couple female turkeys to keep him company or would he be okay just with the hens? Also do they bond with the chickens and see them as their own flock? I've always wondered.
Also do they bond with the chickens
Turkeys get big fast. Consume a lot of food. My BBB's were territorial with my chickens. Actually killed a couple pullets. As the turkey ages, it will become fat and less active. They make better meals than pets.

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