Looking for a nice BO Rooster


11 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Central Michigan
If anyone has a nice quality Buff Orp Rooster that they are wanting to re home please PM me. My girls are wanting to be bred so I'm looking for a nice gentleman for them.

Shoot, I put that post in the wrong category...Sorry.
Maggie, I'm glad you specified "nice". My friend had the BO roo from my order (that was supposed to be a pullet). That roo was so brutal to the hens that all 18 hens had no feathers on their backs and one Ancona had a severely torn comb. My friend finally just dropped him off in the woods somewhere to go and find something else to traumatize!
Ya, I definitely don't want to deal with that if at all possible. My girls keep squatting down for me every time I come in to check for eggs.
Lurky, I sort of agree with you. If I were in the same situation, I don't know what I'd do - I don't know if I could chop his head off and stew him... Nasty roosters are a no-win situation. But the good part is that 18 pullets can now have a quality life.

(Maybe he's just nasty enough to terrorize the coyotes who will be stalking him.)
Try Jody (Hinkjc). I think you could buy chicks from her. I know you probably want a big boy but she has STUNNING Buff Orpingtons so I think it would be a good idea, and hey you might get a few more girls and sell of the ones you do not want.

Good Luck

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