Looking for a parrot

If your grandmother has never owned a parrot before, I would highly advise against a macaw as a first time bird. They are one of the most advanced parrots to keep.

They need an extremely large cage, a lot of attention, enrichment and care. They also run anywhere from $1k-18k depending on the type of macaw. They can also be aggressive, and can bite extremely hard (hard enough to remove fingers and flesh).

I would recommend starting out with a cockatiel or a parakeet, so you know what you're getting into with a smaller parrot first. I hope this helps!
I would like to add on that, a macaw bite can rip open a COCONUT. Yes, a COCONUT. A human's hand is nothing. Be careful
Shes is the process, also I just told her how strong their bites where and I talked her into something smaller, she now wants a cockatiel, and she has owned this kind of bird before
Yeahh, I'd suggest something like that. You could also tell her about a budgie, it'll be a new yet easy experience for her. A cockatiel is good too
Ok so we are going to start with a cockatiel, honestly its probably better for all of us, and shes super exited, I'm probably going to have to take care of it for her but I dont mind as long as shes happy and her bird is healthy and happy.
I hope your bird keeping journey goes well! :)

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