looking for a specific photo . . .

hey there ~ i'm back! my son was able to retrieve the files off my old hard drive, & i am once again the proud holder of the mary's chicken photo i had inquired about.

this week, i also stumbled across some young duckies 4 sale on a trip home from town; back in nov. '07, my female duck escaped from her pen & was made history by a couple of my dogs, so i had been keeping my eyes open for another companion for her widower . . .

well, the man had 5, but i only wanted one ~ of course, neither of us humans knew how to gender them at their young age, so after bringing home the first one we could get hold of as an experiment (wasn't sure how Sr. Duck was going to take to having a pen-mate after so many months), i was able to re-secure the pen for nosy little bills etc., & . . . you guessed it ~ went back & got the other 4.

the reunion of the 5 was very cute & amusing to watch, while Sr. Duck (whom i'm now calling grampa ~ he & his mate used to be 'peas & carrots') seemed a little 'harrumphed' about the whole thing, hogging the little wading pool i have in the pen as his territory, i guess. so i remedied that by stealing another pool from the puppy pen since they didn't use it to play in like i thought they might, cleaned it up & put it in the pen as well ~ now, a few days later, everybody seems to be getting along quite well ~ altho grampa seems to do a lot of keeping his distance, & just watching . . . (he & peas never had children of their own.)

well, when i was getting the duckies from the man, he asked if i'd also like some young mixed breed chickens he had mulling about ~ you KNOW i did ~ but the chicken house & run was in such disrepair, i wasn't sure i could make it livable & safe enough to accept his offer.

but i REALLY wanted those chickens . . .

to my surprise, i was able to restore things after a couple days work, & picked up the young chickens on fri.

so i am a very happy camper at the moment!

& ah yes ~ the picture . . . my apologies if i have 'stolen' this from you, or someone you know ~ i mean no harm.


LMAO Too funny! And congrats on your new birds!!!!
Guess we'll be seeing you around the forum more now
You just MUST keep us posted and with PICS

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