Looking for a young silkie rooster


7 Years
Feb 10, 2012
I am looking for a young silkie cockeral or rooster for my two lovely girls. I will give him a wonderful home. I would pay for a nice paint which is what i prefer. White would be ok too. Please post pictures and information. I would probably have to have him shipped unless you are close by.

We have two Silkies that we have to re-home. One is ca. 9 months old, the other ca. 6 months. Photo below

. The are in Oakland California. I don't know about costs or methods for shipping.
Thank you for your offer. But, i'm going to pass. I'm looking for silkies that have blue/black skin and wattles and a small walnut comb and blue ear lobes. Your boys are beautiul, but they are a mixed breed. I do hope you find them good homes with there own girls :)
I'm not sure where you are located, I'm in California, but I have two purebred silkie roos. One is blue and the other is a splash with some buff leakage. I could send you pictures if want.
I am looking for a young silkie cockeral or rooster for my two lovely girls. I will give him a wonderful home. I would pay for a nice paint which is what i prefer. White would be ok too. Please post pictures and information. I would probably have to have him shipped unless you are close by.

I have a black or brown silkie if you are interested. I live in Jackson NJ. I don't really want to ship. But we can meet somewhere half way if need be. They are both about 7 months old. I also have a black one who is only 10 weeks old. if you are interested i can forward some pictures. They are pure silkie no mix.

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