Looking for bantam FEMALE chicks - name price per bird.


Apr 13, 2012
I am starting a chicken coop and would like to get female bantam chicks. Prefferaby multiple breeds and deffinitely cold hardy.

Thanks in advance.
I know about the site problem is that they are out of stock for a long while. I can't get anything before middle of July if I am lucky if not further out.
Hi, I raise several breeds of bantam chickens and I would be happy to ship a variety of chicks your way.
Feel free to visit my website at: http://www.hensandfriends.webs.com/ to see what breeds I have.
I am required to ship birds overnight by the USPS and shippingand handling would be additional for overnight.
I am NPIP certified in NC and would be happy to ship a small order for you.
Sincerely yours, Jody McMillan ~ Hens and Friends
I am not able to figure out from your web site if it is possible to order FEMALE bantam chicks. Can you clarify this for me please?

few places will sell sexed Bantams ..Most of them sell Straight Run

I believe Mcmurray hatchery is the only one

and Cackle Hatchery will sell some breeds sexed
Hi, I will sex chicks usually after they are 2 to 4 weeks old and I can send you all hens. I am usually 90% accurate on sexing and I usually send an extra chick or two just in case I make a mistake in sexing them. Then if you accidentally get a rooster, you can rehome it on craigslist or to another nearby farm. I am fairly accurate with my sexing, but I do make mistakes sometimes.
Female chicks are 7.00 each up to 4 weeks of age. For older chicks, it is .50 per bird more for each additional week of age.
Right now I have 4 Birchen Cochin Bantams, 3 Blue Cochin bantams and 3 Mille Fleur d'uccles. These are under 4 weeks of age.
I have EE's and Buff Orpingtons, that are 6 weeks old and they are 8.00 each at this time.
I hope this helps. I don't post all of the information on my website because I just sell what I hatch either locally or online by special orders.
Let me know if I can send some chicks to you!
Thanks, Jody
I am interested in those. I would deffinitely like to talk to you. Is there a way we could talk in person? Would be easier.

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