Looking for beautiful Breeds

I don't find them to be that pretty to be $72 for a dozen eggs. Thats taking advantage of us chicken people. I don't even think they hatch them for you first lol... even if they hatch them and hand-deliver them to me and we're guaranteed all females it's still a cockle doodle don't hahah
Ehh. That 6 bucks an egg, and less than I paid for other eggs I've gotten. Granted the price goes up with each egg that doesn't make it, but still.
Ehh. That 6 bucks an egg, and less than I paid for other eggs I've gotten. Granted the price goes up with each egg that doesn't make it, but still.
Oh my gosh.. I know people have to make a living but I think it's selfish to sell eggs for that much or more!!! Its not even guaranteed to hatch lol
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I would say Polish! We live in GA, so pretty hot, Partridge rocks are beautiful, (profile pic is a baby one) Golden campines from Murray Mcmurray Hatchery are absolutely gorgeous, Cochins are beautiful, and silkies are super cute. Dorkings are really cute, they are also endangered, so you would have to order from a hatchery, (we use mcmurray), and they go broody, and hey are beautiful.
I don't find them to be that pretty to be $72 for a dozen eggs. Thats taking advantage of us chicken people. I don't even think they hatch them for you first lol... even if they hatch them and hand-deliver them to me and we're guaranteed all females it's still a cockle doodle don't hahah
Cockle doodle don’t lol.
We've gotten all our breed for their novelty looks or eggs colors. I'd say some of the prettiest we've had are Swedish Flower, Speckled Sussex, Blue Double-Laced Barnevelder (she tended to be broody). We also had a pretty splash Marans rooster and we currently have a cute little Cream Legbar who lays green eggs and has a giant, ridiculous-looking comb.

We live in Maryland so we do get hot and cold, but probably not quite the extreme heat you'd get in AZ. None of our chickens seem to have had much problem with temperature either way.
With prices of eggs or chicks theres a big difference in hatchery and breeder birds. 72 a dozen is nothing compared to some out there lol
Gonna be honest--only got to pagee 3 so this might be a repeat, but Aloha chickens! A new AZ breed with mille fleur pattern ad bred for the hot hot heat.

nd gonna 100th the Andalusian. So pretty, so lean, so curious and smart. Not good broodies, but if your other birds do the trick then its an ok trade off....and you'll be much closer for Mosaics if I'm still breeding those 5 yrs down the road muahaha.
polish white crested.
new girls5.jpg

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