Looking for Blue Bantam Silkie Chicks!

Maddison S

Nov 7, 2015
Gurnee, Il
Hi, Im looking for two blue bantam silkie chicks, if anybody is selling any please tell me! We want to add to our flock, and think silkies would be perfect, but we can't find anybody selling only two. So again, if you or somebody you know is selling chicks, please pm me or email me at [email protected]
Welcome to BYC do you have breeds other than silkies? I ask because many breeds regard silkies(and polish) as non-chickens and tend to bully and pluck their head feathers especially. If breeds are raised together form early chickhood they generally get along but, otherwise they don't mix well.

Silkies are also extremely difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they crow or lay. Younger birds will likely not be the sex you are counting on. Hatchery silkies, sometimes lack the principle silkie features.
i'm hoping to have some in the spring.
Welcome to BYC  do you have breeds other than silkies?  I ask because many breeds regard silkies(and polish)  as non-chickens and tend to bully and pluck their head feathers especially.  If breeds are raised together form early chickhood  they generally get along but, otherwise they don't mix well.

Silkies are also extremely difficult to sex before 4-5 mos. of age and sometimes not till they crow or lay.  Younger birds will likely not be the sex you are counting on. Hatchery silkies,  sometimes lack the principle silkie features.

We have leghorns, Rhode Island Reds, Production Reds, 1 Korean Black, Plymouth Rock Chicks, 1 Wyandotte Chick, 4 we are not completely sure about yet, and we just ordered 10 White Bresse chicks. We are looking for Silkies, and we are willing to build a new coop or find a way to keep them separated if needed. We would like both hens and roosters (for breeding.)

Once you have 20 posts you can use the buy-sell-trade forum.

Good luck finding the birds you want!

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