Looking for DIY Perch Ideas


16 Years
May 29, 2007
I'm looking for ideas on how to build a vertical perch for inside my run. I picture a series of small ascending platforms that my girls can climb, similar to what cats have. Does anyone have a picture or plans? Building it is easier for me than visualizing it!
Thanks in advance for any ideas -
I have often thought I would like that in my coop to break up the boredom for my chickens, Chickens love to get up high, I am following your post. Fir some ideas too.
why platforms and not roosts? sounds like more areas to clean?
I had a roost on a swing that no one ever used and there's a low to the ground roost that doesn't get much attention. They seem to like an old wooden box that I had as an extra nesting box. I agree that cleaning would be more of an issue and maybe I could swap small platforms for short 2x4 roosts. I didn't want to use up too much of the run for an elaborate roost system so thought going up would be better. Thanks for your response! Sue

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