Looking for People on the Eastern Shore....

I originally was going to get Delawares and Dorkings, as they were on the Critical list for last year. This year the Delwares are not on the list, so I will probably get a couple, but I am looking into Javas and might want some Buckeyes. I don't know how many I will be able to handle, so I will have to "play it by hatch"...
Cool my view of heritage breeds is that they have been around this long for a reason and that we should preserve them because they have certainly helped us and probably will again.

Hi Everyone! I'm in Rock Hall, MD - northern eastern shore in Kent County. My 6 baby girls will be 3 weeks old tomorrow. So far everyone is happy and healthy. We are new to chicken raising and having a blast. They are so much more fun than any of us expected. Happy to be a part of this site with so many fellow chicken lovers!
Hi there,
I am in Central Virginia, New Kent County. It's about 30 minutes east of Richmond, about 30 minutes west of Williamsburg, VA. I have both chickens and turkeys.

White Leghorns
Red Leghorns
Bantam Frizzle Cochins
1 red sex link the apple of my sons eye
a hen and tom Royal Palm
and we just added
3 Rio Grand Turkeys
8 cuckoo marans

Hey there! I'm on the western shore of MD--I'll wave at ya from across the Chesapeake Bay!!

I breed Cuckoo Marans and Polish, and I have a few (true) Ameraucanas and am hoping to have a breeding pen of blues/blacks of these guys going by this fall or next spring. I'm looking to add a true heritage breed here--I'd like one from the ALBC's critical list--but I just can't decide!!
Hi, I'm in Wicomico Co, MD. I should be getting my chicks from MPC on June 3!

I ordered:
2 RIRs
2 Buff Orps
1 Australorp

So excited!
Hi all...

I am in Harford County -- just across the dam from those of you in Cecil County. I have a small flock of layers -- Silver Laced Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, a couple production reds, black sex links and Golden Comets -- ducks and pasture raised broilers. It's nice to make your acquaintance!

Simply Abundant Farm
Hello, I know this is an old thread but I just joined. I live in Southern Delaware - Sussex County. I just got started in this chicken "thing" and am having a great time. I have all Speckled Sussex right now and one white crested black polish who is adorable! I'd like to get a few more laying hens perhaps Red Star. Anyone still on this topic and around this area?

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