Looking for Silver pheasants.


11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
Malta, OH
I'm currently looking for Silver Pheasants. I would prefer to buy chicks over hatching eggs but at this point ill take what I can find.
I am aware of the lack of good hatch rates of shipped eggs. But if that is all I'm able to find im willing to give it a try. I would love to be able to find juveniles or adults but that doesn't seem to be an option.
I have a pr and a trio of 2019 Jones silvers for sale.They look very similar to true silvers,but they are way more expensive.I paid 300.00 for 1st year fall birds,but they did produce as these are there youngsters.They are siblings and shipping is higher then the plane that carries them.I would sell the pr for 250.00 and the trio for 300.00.I will go out and take pics later and post them tonight.The hen is setting now and I am debating whether to hatch any as everyone thinks they are true silvers.I also have berlioz and Lewis silvers,but none for sale.Hatching season is in full swing.My Jones and berlioz are from Kevin Hendricks.
In N.H.,Tony.
The adults are banded.i need to figure a way to hand chicks.I thought of colored zip ties,but I think that will start them picking at their feet.My next thought is a toe punch,just waiting to see how big the web is between their toes.I do have 3 hatched out now but have no idea who's who.
In N.H.,Tony.
The adults are banded.i need to figure a way to hand chicks.I thought of colored zip ties,but I think that will start them picking at their feet.My next thought is a toe punch,just waiting to see how big the web is between their toes.I do have 3 hatched out now but have no idea who's who.
In N.H.,Tony.
Yeah, I have that problem also...they are sectioned off when their in the hatcher but once I put them in the brooder, I have to wait awhile before I know what they are...especially with the True pheasants. :lol:

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