Looking for the Best White Egg Layers?

Layin Eggs

12 Years
Nov 4, 2007
South Eastern, MA
I am looking to add a couple of White Egg layers to my flock. From what I have read it seems that the Leghorn is the best layer of white eggs? Is there any friendlier birds that compare? looking for XL eggs.

Also does anyone near Massachusetts that sells pullets? thanks
Silver Spangled Hamburgs
Blue Andalusians
Black Minorcas
Single Comb Brown Leghorns
Buff Minorcas
Red Leghorns
The Pearl-White Leghorn
Rose Comb Brown Leghorns
Black Sumatra

Most of the white egg layers are from the mediterranean class. Most chickens in this class are a little more high strung and flighty. So you just have to take your pick. If I had to choose I would go with the blue andalusians, they are a little more laid back.
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Leghorns are the way to go hands down unless any of the sex-links lay white eggs (not sure).
P.S. Feed them from your hand & they will become very tame & friendly.
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