Looking into extending our property...advice? Update pg 5

I was thinking that if I get ahold of the owners and tell them that I want the property and buy it from them for the price of their back taxes that I could bypass the deal that the other guy has. Pretty much it boils down to the fact that if the owners don't pay the 500 they owe in back taxes they lose the property.

I'm thinking something like this:
Your property is going to get auctioned off, and you won't get anything for it. Let me give you $2000 so u can pay your taxes and then u can sign the property over to me so u make a little money

Of course it would be legit, I wouldn't dream of trying something like that without getting proper advice. They are the only ones in control of whether this guy gets the property or not. I don't know, the guy doing the tax thing seemed nice and he said he wants to get rid of it if he ends up owning it. Doesn't the property value go down if your neighbors have chickens? (hint, hint LOL) I dunno, I'll find out for sure in August. We'll see....

The tax deal is legit, it's the city tax auction. When you default on your taxes the city takes measures to get their money, so they put your property up for auction and you have one year after you're 2 years delinquent to pay up. At the 2 year mark your property goes to auction, and the person who puts their money down waits for the owners to pay the taxes or give up the property. If they pay their taxes they get to keep the property, if they don't then the person who put money down gets it. I hope that clarifies.
If the city/county has already made a deal with the guy you contacted, I don't think contacting the current owners will do any good. The deal's already been made. Wait until August and make sure you get a title search done if you do purchase.
Talk to a realtor and use a lawyer. Always it will save you lots of trouble and money later. As for the woods unless you need the land cleared leave them. They make a great buffer between you and your neighbors. We have a wooded lot next door which we own free and clear and not connected taxably to our mortgaged house. Similar to what the OP describes. I figure if we lose the house we can always pitch a tent on the lot. LOL

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