Looking to buy 24-40 Rhode Island red hatching eggs


12 Years
Jan 20, 2008
I am looking for 24 to 40 rir eggs for hatching I can Pay pal, let me know if you can help me out thanks!
Hi, Ours are $1.25 per egg and shipping is $16 Let me know how many you would like/. I ship mondays. thank you, Kari
Paypal is [email protected]


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sorry, I was hoping to get a better deal buying a large quanity of eggs. No offense.
Are you looking for pure RIR? Mine are RIR/Australorp cross. I can get a dozen for you in about 2 weeks. I am collect now to set some for a customer. If you want the mix, they lay great large brown eggs, and lay through the winter pretty well.
1 dozen is $25.00 shipping included.
Have you checked Eggbid? Theres a couple of ads for RIRs right now for $8 and $10 a dozen. The one ad states they send lots of extras.

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