Looking to buy my first incubator


Free Ranging
6 Years
May 11, 2018
Northwest Indiana
Looking to purchase my first incubator. I got a gift card for christmas so I thought Id get it from tractor supply. I dont need a big one because I dont plan on hatching more than a dozen at once. By my small research I know I should get one with a thermostat and an auto egg turner. Their highest rated in store is this one:

But I had my eyes on this one:

The negatives for me: its twice the cost, sold out and I have to buy it online. Any thoughts? I'm not opposed to spending a lot if its good quality. Buy once, cry once; is my rule. The only stores we have around here are TSC and Stock and Field (Big R). I prefer to buy at a store if I can. I still have things stuck in limbo from christmas shopping and I'd like to start trying to incubate in the spring.
Looking to purchase my first incubator. I got a gift card for christmas so I thought Id get it from tractor supply. I dont need a big one because I dont plan on hatching more than a dozen at once. By my small research I know I should get one with a thermostat and an auto egg turner. Their highest rated in store is this one:

But I had my eyes on this one:

The negatives for me: its twice the cost, sold out and I have to buy it online. Any thoughts? I'm not opposed to spending a lot if its good quality. Buy once, cry once; is my rule. The only stores we have around here are TSC and Stock and Field (Big R). I prefer to buy at a store if I can. I still have things stuck in limbo from christmas shopping and I'd like to start trying to incubate in the spring.
I've never tried any of these but lots of people on BYC rave about the Nurture Right 360.
It holds more eggs too! I've been considering a Nurture Right 360 myself (which is why I clicked your thread in the first place.)
Looking to purchase my first incubator. I got a gift card for christmas so I thought Id get it from tractor supply. I dont need a big one because I dont plan on hatching more than a dozen at once. By my small research I know I should get one with a thermostat and an auto egg turner. Their highest rated in store is this one:

But I had my eyes on this one:

The negatives for me: its twice the cost, sold out and I have to buy it online. Any thoughts? I'm not opposed to spending a lot if its good quality. Buy once, cry once; is my rule. The only stores we have around here are TSC and Stock and Field (Big R). I prefer to buy at a store if I can. I still have things stuck in limbo from christmas shopping and I'd like to start trying to incubate in the spring.
Congrats, and Merry Christmas!
I would go with the NR 360, I love mine, it is the most reliable incubator I've ever had. I like it better than Brinseas honestly imo, it holds more eggs and is every bit as good, plus cheaper. It has a lot of awesome functions that added a lot of ease to incubating, like the built in candler, auto turner, high/low temp alarm (if it's at too high or low of a temp for half an hour it sounds a loud alarm)
Auto lockdowns when there's 3 days left to hatch, so if you forget to do it it will do it for you. Saved my poor batch of guineas 😂
It's overall just a really great quality incubator, and I don't think I'll ever switch. The only downside I can think of its a bit harder to clean that Brinseas, but it's not really a big deal. I just use q-tips to get in all of the harder spots.
Good luck in your search, and happy hatching! Hope I helped.
Congrats, and Merry Christmas!
I would go with the NR 360, I love mine, it is the most reliable incubator I've ever had. I like it better than Brinseas honestly imo, it holds more eggs and is every bit as good, plus cheaper. It has a lot of awesome functions that added a lot of ease to incubating, like the built in candler, auto turner, high/low temp alarm (if it's at too high or low of a temp for half an hour it sounds a loud alarm)
Auto lockdowns when there's 3 days left to hatch, so if you forget to do it it will do it for you. Saved my poor batch of guineas 😂
It's overall just a really great quality incubator, and I don't think I'll ever switch. The only downside I can think of its a bit harder to clean that Brinseas, but it's not really a big deal. I just use q-tips to get in all of the harder spots.
Good luck in your search, and happy hatching! Hope I helped.
I didnt see it had a built in candler! :eek: can you control the humidity? I've read thats a factor
I've only hatched one batch in my NR360. It was easy to use, and add water too. Awesome price, plus the egg turner in it, and candling light works well too. I normally let the broody hatch, but bought the NR360 to hatch silkies any time of year 🥰
I dont have enough birds and they usually dont brood for more than a day or two so I doubt I'd be able to do so.
I didnt see it had a built in candler! :eek: can you control the humidity? I've read thats a factor
The candler is great.
The humidity can't be "controlled" with the buttons, but the amount of water you put in will change the humidity. The humidity read-out is just what the humidity currently is. You can't set the humidity on the incubator like you can set the temp.
You'll need a couple separate thermometers that you will need to calibrate to test the incubator with to make sure the read out is right. The turner also turns once every hour, which is awesome imo. My eggs do so much better being turned often.
I just got the NR360 for Christmas and set eggs as quickly as I could 😂 This is my first time ever hatching eggs and the incubator is extremely easy to use! I’m very impressed with it this far.

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