Looking to debate....Evolution or creation?????

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As for the Neanderthals....Thomas H Huxly said they belonged to people and did not prove evolution. Rudolph Virchow, a German anatomist, said the bones were those of modern men afflicted with rickets and arthritis. Many scientists today recognize that they had bowed legs due to rickets caused by lack of sunlight.

Also, Richard Leaky found a normal human skull under a layer of rock dated 212 million years... what does that tell you??? Somethings doesn't line up.

As I stated we are not fighting just asking questions.
Neanderthals were one of the more advanced populations of pre-historic humans, there are Homo habilis and Homo erectus which occured even before them are were most certainly not humans.

That seems a whole lot more likely then God creating a man out of nothing, then taking his rib and making another human.

Beaky, you are obviously very set in your ways. What is the point of this thread, other then to argue?
I don't believe in the billions. Or in Carbon-14 Dating. It has been proven wrong to many times.
The oldest rocks found so far on earth are between 3.8 and 3.9 billion years old. In minerals inside some of those rocks are about 4.1 to 4.2 billion years old. The earth must be at least as old as any formation on it.
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