Looks Like A Seagull.... MYSTERY PULLET


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 27, 2009
What is this little pullet of mine? I know she is a pure breed chicken from McMurray Hatchery. Yet, no one seems to know what she is. She has clean grey legs and four toes, if that is of any help.

Hope this works! Thanks~
I'm new and have no idea, but she sure is pretty. I know someone who knows more will come along and help you soon.
OK, here is a pic of her as a chick. She does not look like a Spangled Hamburg chick from the McMurray photo....... sorry this is my best pic of her earlier days. I had to crop it. Thanks!

She is Really cute!! You could come up with lots of cute names for her going on the seagull theme. She is just adorable.

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