Loosing our home to the power company...

I'm sorry you're going through this... it must be heart and gut wrenching to deal with!

As others have suggested... fight, definitely fight. My father was losing his property to a state university. He was offered far less than it was worth, so he got an attorney and fought. Still lost his home but he did receive considerably more than originally offered.

Good luck... I hope you keep us updated.
How horrible!!! My prayers are with you, your family and your community.

I agree with Purple Chicken hire a lawyer(s) and get everyone whom is losing their property to hire the same one(s). There is power in numbers.

I agree, you should get everyone involved, news media, congress and all local & state officials too.

You might contact some of the go green groups for support. I see an ad on TV about one of them. If I see it again, I will add it to this post.
Thanks everyone.
I'll put together a letter to the editor tomorrow (a little brain dead right now).

DH just came in and reminded me how I've always said I'd never leave this place except feet fist. Of course, I meant dead. He's trying to cheer me up by telling me that, yeah, it'll still be feet first, but kicking an screaming...

We've got a petition going around that hopefully should wake people up to the fact that this would be a serious abuse of the State's power to use eminent domain to take our land for building a "for profit" power line that won't benefit our communities.
I understand how you feel in many ways. Industry has come to where I live looking to purchase a property for processing Toxic and Hazardous Industrial waste produced in California. They can't do it in California so why not ship it all the way to Canada? :thun
How about getting all the BYC members to sign an "on line" petition which can then be forwarded to the Government and the Power Company, it has been done here in the Uk for other issues and Emailed to the Government.....you dont know it might work for you and your neighbours. The online petition could be given air news time on TV channels which in turn would encourage other people to sign up.. Good luck with wearing down of the "powers" that be....you can do it.
OMG .... I wish you well in your efforts (write Oprah...you never know but the national coverage might help if you could swing her interest in your problem)
I'm so sorry to hear about all this. It's heartbreaking that you will lose such a big part of your own property. It's incredible what a municipality/utility can get away with, after a person has saved, struggled and worked hard to make something that they have dreamed about come to reality. Here's hoping that your petition and flyers will help you, and you find a solution to this.
And, for others who are considering buying property, please look into all aspects of your zoning, and whether it can be changed at some later date. The place we bought 20 some years ago as 'recreational/agricultural' land was rezoned to residential. (without our knowledge beforehand) Even tho there was nothing in the area but woods, no neighbors, no electricity, no anything. Just a dirt road. Now that it's zoned residential we have to pay for a yearly permit to place our camper on the land, and had to pay for a permit to allow us to have a pole on our land for electricity coming in. Have to get a permit for any structure over 10x10. (our chicken coop is 8x10) And even tho the road will never be paved, since there are no homes or anything here but us, we had to allow for a 6 ft easement on our frontage, just in case the township wants to "improve" the road. Our property taxes are now quite a bit higher as well, residential land is worth more than recreational/agricultural. Government at all levels preys on us for their finances. In our case it's our township, a very poor one. They need the revenue that they can get from us. In your case if the state/and or power company can take your land, they won't have to buy their own at top prices. Not fair? Of course not, but what's that got to do with it? But, for you, I offer my thoughts and hugs, and wishes that you can reduce the impact of this crap.

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