LOS ANGELES county CA under bird quarantine :(

I’m still not exactly getting the link from flocks that raise roosters for fighting, to a backyard chicken owner with 5 hens in suburbia like me.

I think that backyard owners are just potential collateral damage from a problem not of our making. People raising rooster to fight, still go into feed stores and vet clinics, and track disease into places where other chicken keepers go.

But still, so far it doesn't seem like it's spreading that far beyond the rooster/cock fighting flocks. If you look at the government link I cited above, you can see only a tiny number of the reported cases are described as "backyard, non-commercial egg layer", which is the category you and most people on this forum fall into.
Another thought:
What about creating a vaccine?
I know there’s been some talk about not knowing much about this strain, but really, it’s been a year, wouldn’t a vaccine be the answer? I mean they’ve already spent $150 million With another $50 million allocated.
ETA: well maybe if the disease is in rooster raising flocks, a vaccine actually is not the answer.
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I mean couldn’t an unscrupulous person take a chicken with them in their car and drive to Arizona from California without being stopped when leaving the state?
Yes. Cars are only getting inspected entering California, and they aren't inspected at every every entrance.
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