Losing another hen to this awful heat

It gets pretty hot here, we have a kiddie pool for the ducks and the chickens sit in it to cool off, also we put up shade cloth (got it from Home Depot) that really helped, I had a fan but they were so afraid of it that they would lay in the coop so I took it out. I put electrolytes in their water and I hose them off in really hot afternoons.
Sorry to hear of you lose.

I almost lost one of my best laying hens. She did stop laying after that and I think she tried to go broody too. I am in that same here is the NW of Arkansas. I keep a pan of water in the shade for them to wade in and they do. If I see any in trouble I go get them and bring them into the house and put them in a pet taxi after cooling them down with water. I am going outside at least 8 to 10 times a day to see if everyone is doing ok. I just let my 17 6 week out of there pen today and they are everywhere.

I am hearing this is one of the hottest summer we have had here since the 1930's.
I live in SW Arizona and the way I keep my girls cool is that I have lots of shade around there coop run (they also free range during the day). During the heat of the afternoon, which typically here in July is about 113, I wet the ground very well and then I hook the hose to a garden drip hose which I have wound around the top of the run. This drips water down the shade cloth and provides some evaporative cooling as well and a very nice damp area everywhere. The hens dig in and rest and take a siesta every afternoon. I also freeze water jugs at night and but them around the coop during the day to help provide coolness. So far no loss in egg production and no stressed hens. I do not have a grown up rooster yet, the young ones are separated from the hens right now, but I would not hesitant to pen them up at this time of year if it became a problem for the girls. Good luck!
I'm sorry about Doe, too. I just love my 3 Seramas. Actually kept them in the house when temp reached upper 90s here in PA.
So sorry about your hen. Its very hot here as well but my hens are taking care of themselves alright. I keep their water really fresh and cool and my house (thank goodness) is under thick shade and has a nice breeze. So far so good.
Here in California,I am in rancho cordova, summer temps can and usually do run over 100 for days at a time. I have over the years put in fruit and nut trees for shade and food. In those areas that still need some heat relief I will put up a few 9 foot umbrellas. Under 2 of my trees I hang -2 feet above ground with ropes -misters from dome depot. When the heat hits 85 I turn them on and will only turn them off when it cools off. Each morning and sometimes the eves I will hose everything down in the yard to aid in cooling.
If I forget to turn them on my silkies will come tio the back door and tap the glass alerting me ...basically saying you forgot mom!
I have gone out and seen that all 13 girls were preening, roosting under my apple tree right next one of the misters. Happy and content. I make sure to keep multiple bowls of water in shaded areas of the yard. I dont like the self waterers. Plastic ones degrade over time polluting the water with chemicals and the metal ones rust and make the water taste off. I prefer to fill each day stainless bowls and glass for the chicks. While filling them I see my girls checking on them and they love to come and just be with me.
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Thanks y'all.
Here the temps. aren't as much of a problem as the humidity and it only gets worse at night, when the chickens have to return to their coop. At 11 PM tonight the humidity is forecast to be 70%.
Aw! I'm so sorry to hear about your misfortune.

I lost a girl to heat stroke last month. It was really difficult and I've been anxious about them ever since.

We purchased one of those 'personal misters' that attaches to a garden hose and turn that on for them to hang out in.

Really though (I know someone else mentioned it too) the frozen watermelon is the best thing.

Keeps them super cool and hydrated too.

Best of luck to you!
I think you have to dunk them in the water for them to get the idea. Also they like damp ground to scratch in and dust bath. The damp ground is usually cooler. Good luck.

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