Losing chickens...not sure what to do


8 Years
Jul 31, 2011
Venice, CA
A couple weeks ago we went away & our neighbors watched our chickens. They said the chickens were happy and moving around Friday (4/18) morning and in the evening one was dead in the coop. The other chickens didn't bother her and they all went up to the coop to roost. Today, I went out to check on the girls and I didn't see our barred rock. She had died and was on the floor of the coop.

I saw no sickly signs of anything yesterday and they all went up to bed as usual last night.

Any suggestions....I am now down to 5 chickens.
The one who died on 4/18 was almost 2 years old and the one that died last night was about 3 years old.

I am just wondering what I should be checking for. I don't want to lose any more. They all look healthy, lovely feathers, clear eyes. They are eating, scratching having dust baths..all looks normal.

Thank you in advance for any advise.

Oh - we live in a city (Venice) so the are not free range, except for our little yard.
Sometimes chickens die of a disease without any signs at all. But if you see some signs, isolate the sick bird from the rest. And also you can get your birds vaccinated!
Vaccinated...My first ones may have been vaccinated as we bought them from a back yard breeder at 1 1/2 weeks old, but some of them we hatched in our back yard. They are not vaccinated.
I never thought of it.
Look at their eyes for drainage or swelling, nasal mucus, sneezing, check their crops for impaction, look at poops for diarrhea or blood, make sure of what they are eating/drinking, and look for lice and mite eggs. Older hens can suffer from egg yolk peritonitis or internal laying, but it sounds funny to lose 2 within 10 days.
Thanks. They all look good. Full bodies, full feathers, eyes look clear. Poops look normal
We did remove the old galvanized water container as it looks like it gets filmy quickly. We are just using our plastic one for now.

Feed looks fine, not old at all. I just checked on them and they are up on their roosts in the coop getting ready for bed.

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