Losing feathers from tail

Me + Peeps

In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 16, 2009
One of my hens is losing feathers from the base and bottom of tail. at first i thought it was molting but chickens molt from the head down. Is this some kind of partial molt or is it a disease or infection?
thanks in advance.
maybe they are molting? we have a few that are losing their tail feathers also? unless someone is picking them out? we did have a rooster that was very over aggressive, and we rehomed him, and we have lots of bare backs growing back feather finally!!!
Check her thoroughly (at night) for parasites. Look particularly carefully around the back of her neck and on the vent. Look on the feather shafts for eggs as well, or breaks in the skin.. Feather lice and mites will cause this. Using a flashlight and putting the bird over a light colored sheet as you check for parasites helps. Mites will go off the bird during the day in some species and you won't find them - just symptoms. So that's why you check at night. If you find any parasites at all, you must treat as if it's an infestation (rather than just using prevention methods). That usually entails using a poultry powder to dust the birds, and then treat the premises thoroughly including white-washing the wood of the coop using water mixed with poultry dust to get in the cracks and crevices.

You must retreat at least once in seven days.

A lack of proper protein or nutrients will also cause this. As will feather picking from the other birds.

What is her diet exactly? Her age? Any grubbiness or sticking droppings near her vent? Is she kept with other birds?

My chickens rarely molt in a head-to-tail manner. That seems to be more clear in forced molts. Mine just molt where they molt, so if you're seeing any pinfeathers coming in she might be molting.
She eats layer pellets with oyster shell on the side for calcium i feed them lots of treats like weeds from the garden, corn on the cob and the occasional handful of chick feed. she is 8-9 months old. and is with two other wyandottes that i bought her with. Their is no poop or grubbiness around her vent
As long as the feed is 90-95% of her diet, this diet sounds pretty good. Still could be something nutritional as nutrients do degrade from feed during storage. Still need parasites ruled out.

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