Losing hope in Ducks Starting to Lay

I don't know that I'd expect them to lay until closer to 6 months... they definitely may start laying this winter, but it may not be until after solstice (which is in December), when I have had birds start laying over winter usually their egg laying isn't entirely regular either, maybe 2-3 eggs a week vs. 6-7, but they do still do it. Don't give up hope yet. My KCs started laying in November for the first time last year, I've had birds start in Dec, Jan, and Feb as well, so really anything goes!

Well I’ll hold out hope then! December/January isn’t too far away if they do plan to wait until solstice. If they start out slow I’m fine with that as I know how many they will eventually pop out a week. I just wanna eat some good eggs.

Keep the ducks. They are definitely worth waiting for, but maybe see if you can exchange your husband for another model. Haha! Just kidding. :D
haha I’ve thought about it believe me ;)
My pekins that were hatched April 29th are just now starting to lay, at least one of them is. The other two will either be shortly behind or wait until later. My runners and rouen that were hatched in March last year all started to lay in the fall and throughout the winter. They took a little hiatus actually during late spring and into summer and recently started laying very regularly. I think it just depends on the duck. IDK. I hope you get some yummy egg surprises very soon. :fl

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