Losing one newborn bunny daily

Almost a week. I haven’t been feeding the babies, isn’t the mamas milk all they need?
Ah, sorry. I thought I read on your previous post you were feeding one. Yes, mom's milk is all they need.

My first rabbit had 5 littles before any made it to the point where they could open their eyes. The first 3 only lasted less then a week. 4th time we didn't even know she was pregnant and had babies in the middle of winter so they got to cold. 5th time we finally knew what do to and they made it to adult hood. One of my other rabbits had 2 successful litters her first time.

Rabbit mothers are iffy. Some of them are excellent mothers and some are just not meant to be. I'm sorry you're having a hard time with them. I hope some of them will be able to make!
Ah, sorry. I thought I read on your previous post you were feeding one. Yes, mom's milk is all they need.

My first rabbit had 5 littles before any made it to the point where they could open their eyes. The first 3 only lasted less then a week. 4th time we didn't even know she was pregnant and had babies in the middle of winter so they got to cold. 5th time we finally knew what do to and they made it to adult hood. One of my other rabbits had 2 successful litters her first time.

Rabbit mothers are iffy. Some of them are excellent mothers and some are just not meant to be. I'm sorry you're having a hard time with them. I hope some of them will be able to make!
I’m sorry for all of your losses. That must have been heartbreaking to find those cold babies. Thank you for your input.

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