Losing tail feathers


9 Years
May 9, 2012
I'm having trouble with a couple of my girls. Two of my Australorps are losing tail feathers. I have sixteen chickens, 10 issa browns and six australorps. Besides the two that are losing tail feathers, seven or eight of the others are losing feathers on the butt. I haven't seen anything about this, and I am having a hard time getting pictures, but here are some pictures of the australorps.

Any help would be appreciated.
It looks as if someone is feather picking/eating. Generaly the culprit is the one that is in pristine condition. If you determine that this is the problem, Pinless Peepers can very well be the solution.
Do a forum search - there are threads about their use. They clip on the chicken's beak and partially occlude their vision so that they are not able to pull feathers yet are able to eat and drink. If they are left in place until the flock 'refeathers', frequently they can be removed and the feather pickers give up the habit.
My Australorp has the exact same problem....except she is definitely the leader of the pack! Lol I know she is the only one pecking the others. She is not being pecked.... Any suggestions as to why my girl s loosing her tail feathers.... Original posters pic looks identical to my girl.
Re. "losing tail feathers" querry
My hens and RIR rooster look just like this... many bare bottoms and some (from rooster) bare backs

From reading on-line and print info, and from questioning everyone I know w/ chickens:
A multi-task approach to the problem includes
*daily vigilance
*cleaning and disinfecting your coop
*OR keeping it dry and fairly clean
*treating affected skin areas w/ Bacitracin or Neopsporen-type ointments, Desitin, medicated powder
*tending deep-tissue wounds w/ Bacitracin or Neosporen, or if you can get "silvasulfadine" type ointment or other antibiotic apps
*applying white Desitin to turn down the "red" flag of injured skin
*powdering flock for mites
*powdering floor for mites and also using dolomitic lime in floor litter
*adding Duramycin to water
* OR adding electorlytes to water
*separating severly injured bird(s) from rest of flock
*vigilance re. vent or injuries around vent area
*if individual is definitely culprit, separate it from flock for short time
*add "entertainment" value to your chickens' day
*avoid prolonged enclosure inside coop
*add leafy greens to diet
*ensure fresh water daily
*wintertime care, esp. re. freezing feet or combs
*maintaining proper temps and humidity in coop



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